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Team members are unable to view Burndown chart in Plan view in RTC

swapna das (3324872) | asked Jun 02 '15, 6:27 a.m.


We are having Burndown chart in the plan view of RTC. The users who are added to project level they are able to view the chart but the members who are being added to Team Area level are unable to view the chart.

Please let me know how a user at team area level will be able to view the Burn Down  chart in plan view ?

Thanks in advancenp

Swapna Das

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Shuchita Tripathi (31436595) | answered Jun 02 '15, 6:46 a.m.
I have seen that if the users are added only in team area and not in project area, have very limited access.
So I add them in project area giving them either no role or another role which has very limited access (like only read access).

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