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An error occurred during "Save Report Resource".

I have the RTC 4.0.5 client installed and BIRT plugin version 4.2.2
When I try to save the .rpt design file in my Report Resource, I receive the following error:
An error occurred during "Save Report Resource".
Report contents are invalid. Cause: Report contents are invalid. Cause: Line Number:0 Error Code:Error.XMLParserException.EXCEPTION Exception:org.eclipse.birt.report.model.parser.DesignParserException: The report file of version "3.2.23" is invalid for it is greater than the latest supported one. Message:A generic exception occurred.
If I update the XML source of the .rptdesign file to 3.2.22 it allows me to save the Resource, however I am "downgrading" the version of the report.
Any help or insight would be appreciated!
2 answers

RTC 4.0.5 supports BIRT version 2.6.2 - so you are getting an error because you created your design file using an unsupported version of BIRT. To make sure that your report will run correctly on the server, you should create it using BIRT 2.6.2. Manually editing the XML source to change the version might allow you to save the resource; but there are no guarantees that your report will run correctly.

As Alanna pointed out RTC 40x supports Birt 2.6.2, as it has that Birt engine to render reports.
Ref: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ReportsCreatingANewReport40
You should import your report into Birt designer 2.6.2 and make sure it works before deploying to teh server.