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CLM 4.0.7 BIRT error "Error happened while running the report"

I have many reports that I made in BIRT and are imported in CLM RTC version 4.0.7. The reports used to work just fine. Today suddenly some of these reports started showing error Error happened while running the report.
This is very strange behavior. There are no details of the error. The report is working fine in BIRT eclipse environment. I tried re importing the report as report resource but the problem persists.
Any one has any idea why this is happening? Why the error doesn't show more. Are there any logs that give errors in detail. I checked out the ccm logs but didn't find anything.
Donald Nong
Jul 20 '17, 10:36 p.m.If you cannot find anything useful, I would suggest you try to identify all the problematic reports first, find out the common things and similarities among them, and then compare them with the rest of the working reports to see what are the differences.
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