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Hover not working within Birt report

I would like to be able to enable the hover on a birt report
Based on https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ReportsBIRTFAQ I have put following code in a HTML cell
<a target="_self" class="jazz-app-ResourceLink"
<code style="display:none">
<script>titleLink=document.getElementById("jazz_app_ResourceLink_<VALUE-OF>row["WI_ID"]</VALUE-OF>"); new jazz.ui.ResourceLink ({retainLinkText: true},titleLink);
if (titleLink.lastChild.nodeName == "IMG"){titleLink.removeChild(titleLink.lastChild);};
The hyperlink is working but not the hover.
But after I run the following command (with hardcoded id) using firebug
titleLink=document.getElementById("jazz_app_ResourceLink_13009"); new jazz.ui.ResourceLink ({retainLinkText: true},titleLink);
the hover works fine.
Any Idea why the code is not executed during the load of the Birt report?
Based on https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ReportsBIRTFAQ I have put following code in a HTML cell
<a target="_self" class="jazz-app-ResourceLink"
<code style="display:none">
<script>titleLink=document.getElementById("jazz_app_ResourceLink_<VALUE-OF>row["WI_ID"]</VALUE-OF>"); new jazz.ui.ResourceLink ({retainLinkText: true},titleLink);
if (titleLink.lastChild.nodeName == "IMG"){titleLink.removeChild(titleLink.lastChild);};
The hyperlink is working but not the hover.
But after I run the following command (with hardcoded id) using firebug
titleLink=document.getElementById("jazz_app_ResourceLink_13009"); new jazz.ui.ResourceLink ({retainLinkText: true},titleLink);
the hover works fine.
Any Idea why the code is not executed during the load of the Birt report?
Guido Schneider
Feb 05 '13, 3:43 p.m.Any news here?