Topology question for CLM 5.0.1

Hello Forum members
I am planning CLM 5.0.1 installation to support 400 users. Database is MS SQL Server and application server is WAS.
Database will be installed on a dedicated DB server. I would like to know if the standard single-server departmental topology, where applications JTS, CCM, QM and RM are installed on the same server as WAS will be able to support 400 users. Do I need to go for distributed enterprise topology and install each application in a dedicated, standalone server ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
One answer

The CLM performance datasheets, for each of the products, might help to answer your question:
It is often the number of users performing the same action like, everybody log in at once or things like that can cause a performance problem
It is often the number of users performing the same action like, everybody log in at once or things like that can cause a performance problem