RAM Command Line on AIX
I downloaded RAM 7.5.2 and moved the ramcli.jar file to AIX environment, I tried the java -jar ramcli.jar help command and I get this error: Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
I am using Java version 1.6.0, this seems to be something with a missing Main-Class in the MANIFEST.MF file I am not sure. Is there a way to go around this or could it be I am using an old version of Java. Any advice will be appreciated.
One answer
Hi Anabell,
Make sure the ramclient.zip is correctly download and unzipped, and you need to go to the folder where ramcli.jar is located and then run your command, you can refer to this link for a similar issue: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/148722/ram-command-line-on-aix.
Hope this could help, and please fell free to ask more questions if you need more help...