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Websphere profile startup error - best way to fix?

Francis Kemp (7213044) | asked May 01 '14, 4:08 p.m.

Our environment is CLM V4.0.6, Applications are distributed across servers with QM and RM on different WAS profiles on the same VM.  Yesterday the QM application became unresponsive.  When the customer tried to restart it, it exited quickly with this error message in the Windows system log:

The IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.0 - <NodeName> service terminated with service specific error %%134219720

I've seen situations like this before and I fix it by setting all WAS profiles on the server to Manual start, reboot the server and then start the WAS profiles 1 at a time. 

This has resolved the sitaution each time but I'm curious if anyone else has seen this and are there any better ways to resolve it that don't require restarting the server?



2 answers

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Maeve OReilly (3813) | answered May 02 '14, 4:14 a.m.
 Sometimes, after an abnormal stop, I have had to delete .pid files before it would start again.  It would exit very quickly but I never noted the error.  Maybe next time you could look and see if one exists in your logs folder after it has stopped. 

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered May 02 '14, 4:40 a.m.
On Windows, the service interface sometimes masks the underlying error messages and makes it quite difficult to troubleshoot. In this case, it's worth removing the Windows service and using the startServer.bat command the start the profile directly - you will see the errors in the command window.
If you are not familiar with the WASService.exe command, you may try the WASServiceCmd.exe which is supposed to be more user-friendly.

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