Executing Automation from Jazz to STAF

Hello, on automation any thoughts on how/when Jazz could execute automation in STAF http://staf.sourceforge.net ?
We have invested a great deal on automation using STAF as the execution engine and it seems Jazz to be a perfect fit to manage and report on what STAF executes...
We have invested a great deal on automation using STAF as the execution engine and it seems Jazz to be a perfect fit to manage and report on what STAF executes...
3 answers

Hello, on automation any thoughts on how/when Jazz could execute automation in STAF http://staf.sourceforge.net ?
We have invested a great deal on automation using STAF as the execution engine and it seems Jazz to be a perfect fit to manage and report on what STAF executes...
Do you want to be able to run staf commands that execute test scripts or do you use these staf functions to setup the test machines?
We have staf/stax integration coming in RQM 2.0. You will be able to run stax commands (which can call staf) through the lab management automation page.

I'd like to add another question on top of Paul's.
Are you interested in executing raw STAF commands from RQM or running STAX tasks? STAX is an execution engine that is built on top of STAF that provides a more powerful framework for building reusable automation scripts that leverage STAF technology.
RQM will support reading in your STAX tasks from a shared location. You will then be able to execute these tasks on all lab machines that are running the STAF agent. RQM will also be able to pre-populate some lab resource data for the machines that are running the STAF agent.
Running the raw STAF commands is not currently planned for the RQM integration. If you have a need for that particular functionality we'd like to hear about it.
Do you want to be able to run staf commands that execute test scripts or do you use these staf functions to setup the test machines?
We have staf/stax integration coming in RQM 2.0. You will be able to run stax commands (which can call staf) through the lab management automation page.
Are you interested in executing raw STAF commands from RQM or running STAX tasks? STAX is an execution engine that is built on top of STAF that provides a more powerful framework for building reusable automation scripts that leverage STAF technology.
RQM will support reading in your STAX tasks from a shared location. You will then be able to execute these tasks on all lab machines that are running the STAF agent. RQM will also be able to pre-populate some lab resource data for the machines that are running the STAF agent.
Running the raw STAF commands is not currently planned for the RQM integration. If you have a need for that particular functionality we'd like to hear about it.
Hello, on automation any thoughts on how/when Jazz could execute automation in STAF http://staf.sourceforge.net ?
We have invested a great deal on automation using STAF as the execution engine and it seems Jazz to be a perfect fit to manage and report on what STAF executes...
Do you want to be able to run staf commands that execute test scripts or do you use these staf functions to setup the test machines?
We have staf/stax integration coming in RQM 2.0. You will be able to run stax commands (which can call staf) through the lab management automation page.