How to import more than one function in the STAX Facade file?
We have a RQM-STAX framework developed with the help of RQM team to run our test suites.
Currently, our requirement is to run a function which internally calls few other functions which are defined in the same script. My STAX Facade.xml file looks like this :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE stax SYSTEM "stax.dtd">
<defaultcall function="myDefaultTask"/>
<function name="myDefaultTask" scope="local">
This is a description of My Default Task.
<function-required-arg name="target">The target machine</function-required-arg>
<function-required-arg name="STAXJobXMLMachine">STAXJobXMLMachine</function-required-arg>
<function-required-arg name="file">file</function-required-arg>
<function-optional-arg name="arg1" default="'default1'">The first arg description</function-optional-arg>
<!--<message>'Found system name : %s' % target</message> -->
<!-- Import and invoke the legacy task -->
<import machine="STAXJobXMLMachine" file="file">
<call function="'MainFunction'">[target,arg1]</call>
but fails with the error saying, the underlying functions are not defined.
Hence, should the solution to this problem be to add all the underlying functions which this main function calls into the <import-include></import-include> tag?
Something like this:
<!--<message>'Found system name : %s' % target</message> -->
<!-- Import and invoke the legacy task -->
<import machine="STAXJobXMLMachine" file="file">
<call function="'MainFunction'">[target,arg1]</call>
Kindly let me know if I am thinking in the right direction?
One answer
Hi Archana,
Not sure if this helps but here is a link to the RQM STAF/STAX page:
Not sure if this helps but here is a link to the RQM STAF/STAX page: