How do we implement a code freeze?
2 answers
Configuring a precondition is the way to go. It can be configured according to your project's timeline so that your last sprint will not allow deliveries. There are also other preconditions that can be set to allow deliveries only if the necessary approvals are present. So you could allow deliveries at this time if the project lead approved it.
Thanks Tim. For various reasons we are are not 'agile', but maybe we can implement something. A straightforward code freeze, as available in other products, would suit us better.
then only fixes/maint applied to the release candidate stream. developers cannot deliver to this stream. only release manager (role)
you can also get the snapshot from the build record.. that supposedly went into test.
then you can flow those changes back into your dev stream later (and resolve any conflicts).
Thanks Sam,
The problem we have is that the build and test machines use the Main stream. If we create a new stream from last night's snapshot, then we will have to make a lot of changes to the build and test procedures to use the new stream. We will eventually create a new stream for the released version, but this will happen when we have got some time to set up builds and tests in both streams, i.e., after the release! (We have in fact got streams for all previous releases, but as I said we have not branched this version yet.) We would just like to freeze the code for a while.