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Single Eclipse project for multiple RTC components?

Patrick LoPresti (8859) | asked Oct 19 '17, 6:23 p.m.

 When I load a repository workspace, one of the options is "Load and create Eclipse projects for the selected folders".

But this does not do what I want... What I want is for RTC to create a single Eclipse project for all of the selected folders, and I want it associated with the RTC sandbox. (I want this because I have multiple RTC sandboxes, and some sandboxes contain folders with the same name as each other.)

Is this possible?

Note: If I manually create a single Eclipse project after loading the repository workspace, it is not "connected" to RTC. So this approach does not work (or is incomplete).

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 20 '17, 2:27 a.m.

First of all, here the options you have;

When loading you have an option to load the component as a folder and to create an Eclipse project for the component.

It is possible to connect to projects in multiple sandboxes, however it is not possible to have multiple Eclipse projects with the same name connected to an Eclipse workspace.

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