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can not open web client in eclipse

Eliah Ninyo (21715) | asked Sep 21 '16, 8:14 a.m.


i'm using RTC client 5.0.1. i'm running on ubuntu 14.04 (linux).

i installed the plugin on my eclipse (neon) as my developing environment.

i'm connected to my project and my team. when i double click something, the project for example, i have the otion to open in eclise or in the web. if i choose eclipse, then i get the content in a new eclipse tab. if i use we, i get the eclipse internet browser tab and a pop-up of a window askin to download the project (name). if i press yes, i get an empty file. anyway, it doesn't seems to open the link for the web.

even if i bring the link (from another PC where i'm using windows) i get the download pop up. if i paist the link to firefox on my ubuntu, i see no problem and it is open fine.

is anyone knows what could be the problem?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Sep 21 '16, 8:40 a.m.
I don't know why the internal browser would not work within Eclipse. I would however suggest not to use that internal browser anyway, as it is clumsy and you are lacking screen real estate.

Consider to configure the Eclipse workspace to use the external browser in the preferences.

Eliah Ninyo selected this answer as the correct answer

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