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RTC Eclipse Client: Does workitem hyperlinking no longer work in the Java editors?

Todd Lainhart (40611) | asked Aug 12 '15, 2:31 p.m.
In the RTC rich client, it used to be the case that with Window/Preferences/General/Editors/Text Editors/Hyperlinking enabled, specifically "Jazz Hyperlinks", one could embed the text "workitem 123456" in a comment, such that when the mouse hovered over the text with Ctrl depressed, you would see a hyperlink popup to navigate to the workitem in a new tab.  This worked for "bug", "defect", "workitem", and others.

Since 5.0.x I no longer see this behavior.  This with a plain vanilla RTC client - no additional plugins, and no errors in the error log.  Has the functionality been dropped?  What does "Jazz Hyperlinks" mean then, as a preference?

  -- Todd

Donald Nong commented Aug 12 '15, 10:08 p.m. | edited Aug 14 '15, 2:51 a.m.

Not sure about the expected behavior but it works for me any way. If I hover the mouse over the text "workitem 123" in the Discussion section, it becomes a hand shape. If I then click on it, the work item will be opened in a new tab. If I just leave the mouse there for a few seconds, a tooltip appears showing the brief description of the work item. This is with RTC Eclipse client 5.0.2.

Todd Lainhart commented Aug 13 '15, 9:31 a.m. | edited Aug 14 '15, 2:54 a.m.

 Hi Donald -

Thanks for your response.

It sounds like you're describing hyperlinking in the workitem editor, which does indeed work.

I'm talking specifically of adding text to a javadoc comment, along the lines of:

Addresses workitem 123

Ctrl-hover over "workitem 123" used to give me a link, just as Ctrl-hover over (say) a declaration would give me links to open the declaration or the implementation.

Ctrl-hover over "workitem 123" in a Java text editor (or any text editor) hasn't worked for a while now.

  -- Todd

Donald Nong commented Aug 14 '15, 3:06 a.m.

That's a useful feature for developers. It's a shame it stops working. I find a funny behavior and I think it's a defect - the "Open Work Item" menu appears in the popup triggered by "URL", not "Jazz Hyperlinks" - it appears that the feature is implemented in the wrong place. Here is how it looks like

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