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(How) Can I put an attachement on the dashboard?

Kirsten Merlo (611) | asked Apr 17 '14, 3:13 a.m.

Can anybody tell me if it is possible to put an attachement on the dashboard?
I'm not thinking about an url but about a pdf or a image or another document?

I need to share a document with the team (in pdf) so I want them to find it quickly, with one or 2 clicks, on the dashboard. I cannot attach it as a link to a certain work item, because it is about all the work items.

Is this possible and how can I do it?

thank you in advance,

One answer

permanent link
Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered Apr 17 '14, 4:55 p.m.
You can add an HTML widget and put a URL link to the file, otherwise you won't be able to attach the file directly to a widget.

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