package rational team concert- clearcase synchronizer cannot be installed on the current platform (operatinf system : aix, architecture :ppc)

One answer

CRIMA1176E ERROR: Platform support validation error for package Rational Team Concert - ClearCase Synchronizer version 4.0.6 in repository /oracle/RTC/CLM-Web-Installer-AIX-4.0.6/im/RTC-ClearCase-Synchronizer-repo-4.0.6/im/repo/rtc-cc-connector-offering/offering-repo.
CRIMA1192E ERROR: Package Rational Team Concert - ClearCase Synchronizer cannot be installed on the current platform (operating system: aix, architecture: ppc64).
Explanation: A package can be platform-specific. You must use a platform-specific package on the appropriate platform.
User Action: Verify that the package selected is appropriate for the platform that you are using. Verify that all files are available. If you are using files from a disk image, check that all required disks are available in a repository.
In the user interface, add a repository. Click the wizard that you are using to verify that the package can be used.
In console mode, add a repository. Enter the option to install, update, or modify to verify that the package can be used.
From the command line, you can use the listAvailablePackages command with the -showPlatforms option. The -showPlatforms option provides information about the operating system and architecture for a package.
CRIMA1192E ERROR: Package Rational Team Concert - ClearCase Synchronizer cannot be installed on the current platform (operating system: aix, architecture: ppc64).
Explanation: A package can be platform-specific. You must use a platform-specific package on the appropriate platform.
User Action: Verify that the package selected is appropriate for the platform that you are using. Verify that all files are available. If you are using files from a disk image, check that all required disks are available in a repository.
In the user interface, add a repository. Click the wizard that you are using to verify that the package can be used.
In console mode, add a repository. Enter the option to install, update, or modify to verify that the package can be used.
From the command line, you can use the listAvailablePackages command with the -showPlatforms option. The -showPlatforms option provides information about the operating system and architecture for a package.