How do I find the Windows 7 value for "fully qualified hostname"?
Accepted answer
what I typically do is to put an alias into C:/windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts for example
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself. localhost
This allows me to use as a fully qualified host name.
6 other answers
Thanks for responding. Tomcat Server did start, but I got a number of errors. Last message is "Info:Server Startup in 1871 ms". Before that, there are SEVERE messages such as the scratchDir you specified.... is unusable. I used the Interactive Installation Guide, and it didn't tell me to follow the instructions for " Running in Apache Tomcat as a Windows service (64-bit)" So I assumed I didn't want to run to do that..
please don't install into Program Files on Windows 7. Take c:\somepath\ Otherwise you have to explicitly select run as admin or tomcat might fail to be able to create files and folders.
If you install as a service you have to make sure to provide all the settings in the service configuration and should make paths absolute in the files of the applications.
Thanks Ralph - perhaps I should uninstall Jazz, RTC (with the IBM Installation Manager), and reinstall into a different folder - IBMJazz, for example. I would rather not run Apache Tomcat as a Windows service, unless absolutely necessary, as it looks messy changing all the "system" files
localhost should work fine in your laptop installation for demos. You use fully qualified hostname if you want to access this server from another computer. Did you install default Derby and Tomcat? Before running the server setup you must start the application server. If you installed Tomcat, you can start it from start > All Programs > IBM Collaborative Lifecycle Management > Start the Jazz Team Server, then wait until everything is deployed and applications are started. Do not close the Tomcat window. You have to keep that session alive as long as you want to be connected to the JTS.
Hope this helps,
Go to etc\hosts file and put en entry like below:
And, you can use the as your FQH on your laptop.
Hi - thanks to all. I did figure out how to add (or uncomment) the localhost entry in the host file, but I am still having problems. I don't know if my system uses LDAP or not - would this make a difference?. See above comment to first answer.
- Computer name
- Full computer name
- Computer description
- Domain
- My preferred method is to open the start menu then right click on Computer and select Properties.
- You can open the control panel and find the System page
- You can open an explorer window (windows key + e) and type Control Panel\System and Security\System in the address bar.
It sounds like things may have got a bit messy. You need to do the following
1) set up your etc/hosts file so it can use a fixed fully-qualified domain name as Ralph has suggested.
2) Uninstall RTC and then delete all the files/directories left over in c:\program files(x86)\JazzTeamServer (assuming you used the default settings) so you really are starting from scratch.
3) Reinstall RTC - use another directory as suggested above - I replace c:\Program Files(x86) with c:\IBM (shorter names are better on Windows :-)
4) Run server.startup to start RTC.
If you get errors on startup - stop right there and come back here for help.
Assuming you don't have errors - then you can go to the https://[servername]:9443/jts/setup and you will be able to fill in the server name and continue with setup.
LDAP only becomes relevant if you enable LDAP - by default you would be using Tomcat and store users names in Tomcat's user directory.
Hope that helps
Thanks so much to all that took the time to respond, especially Anthony, who told me how to fix my problem.
I have a few suggestions for people who want to set up a single user demo of RTC on Windows 7, using Derby for the database, and Apache Tomcat for the server [feel free to correct]:
- Before beginning, make sure you have a fully qualified hostname or create one similar to in the etc\hosts file. For people not familiar with this,
- Open Windows start menu, search for a text editor such as Notepad, right click, and choose “Run as administrator”
- In Notepad, select "File", "Open" and navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
- Change file type to "All Files (*.*)" "hosts" should be in the list of files
- Select "hosts" [file will open]
- View contents and add one line with a name similar to for the same IP address as localhost. For example:
- Save file, making sure there is no # before the file name
- [I rebooted, I am not sure this needs to be done]
- In IBM Installation Manager, install all files to a directory that does not contain a space. Therefore change the default directory of C:\Program Files to something short like C:\IBM
- After starting the Apache Tomcat server, make sure there are no SEVERE errors in the Apache Tomcat console window before running the setup wizard.
- I ran the Express Setup, not the Custom Setup
Hi Kathy
Delighted you are up and running - just some minor corrections to your suggestions.
In spite of the warning, and as long as this is a demonstration system only - you can use an unqualified domain name (for example, localhost will work just fine). Bear in mind, this is for demonstration only.
The problem with the installation directory is that c:\program files(x86)\ is not a "real" directory in Windows7 - so any proper directory (with or without spaces) is just fine. To be sure you have a proper directory - create your own one. I tend to use a short name line c:\ibm to avoid problems in Windows with path lengths for some of the long file paths in RTC.
Express setup is good as it avoid you have to think of values for parameters you may not understand at install time. Definitely should do a Custom setup for a production system though :-)