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How to query modification made to "primary text" in RM?

Shai Millen-EL (877) | asked Apr 07 '14, 3:08 p.m.
edited Apr 08 '14, 6:58 a.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)
Is there is a way to run a query based on edits made to the primary text only? The "modified by" attribute gives results for any modifications made to the requirement in general (primary text and any attributes of the requirement), but I would like to query on just the edits made to the primary text.

2 answers

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Håkan Kristiansson (5114) | answered Apr 08 '14, 3:48 a.m.
Seems to have been discussed in this thread. Apparently a request for enhancement is opened for this:

Shai Millen-EL commented Apr 09 '14, 11:55 a.m.

Thanks Hakan, but I'm not sure the link quite addresses my question. I am looking to view requirements where only the primary text has been modified (not including any other fields/attributes), but from what I can tell the modified by filter brings up any change to any field in the requirement. 

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Michelle Rivera (112) | answered Dec 15 '16, 3:35 p.m.
We are on Jazz/RDNG v6.01 and really need this capability or some sort of workaround to facilitate change control of artifacts.  Adding links (ie Tracked by, Implemented by, etc)  to requirement artifacts changes the 'Modified On' date; this is misleading because we care more about changes to the Primary Text.

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