Why is the ‘Implemented by’ link option is greyed-out/disabled when linking multiple artifacts?
Trying to link artifacts in RRC to a work item in RTC. This can be accomplished if a single artifact is selected, it is possible to choose and add an “implemented by” link in RCC. However if I select 10 artifacts in RRC, I can select ‘add link to 10 artifacts’, the ‘implemented’ link option is greyed out/disabled. Why is the’ implemented by’ link option available for linking a single artifact, but not a group, of say, 10 artifacts? The reverse is also true if trying to create multiple links from RTC to RCC. I wish to link 10 artifacts at once to a work item in RTC, and avoid linking the artifacts one at a time.
Accepted answer
This is currently working as designed, but could probably be enhanced to support this functionality. There's cases where you could have artifacts and collections selected in the grouping and this could make linking to other products confusing. This is mostly because collections only link to plans and requirements only link to plan items/work items.
I would suggest opening an enhancement against RRC and we could allow you to link from "similar" types of artifacts (e.g. If you select 10 requirements or 10 collections, we bring up the appropriate link picker and link all of the items).