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eclipse client won't connect to the CLM and pull down workspaces

Der M (6121418) | asked Jun 20 '12, 10:21 a.m.

Hellow world.


I am seeing the following error when I attempt to connect my eclipse client to my project within the CLM


version in use is the version of the clm and eclipse client.


Is there something not setup correctly within the CLM?

Searching for repository workspaces
CRJAZ0106I The request for the URL "/jts/service/" was denied.  The status is Not Available".
CRJAZ0106I The request for the URL "/jts/service/" was denied.  The status is Not Available".
Internal error
Internal error




CRJAZ0106I The request for the URL "/jts/service/" was denied. The status is Not Available".

CRJAZ0106I The request for the URL "/jts/service/" was denied. The status is Not Available".


or components

Accepted answer

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Arne Bister (2.6k12832) | answered Jun 20 '12, 2:30 p.m.
Ok, looking for the exact error message the phenomenon you describe is also at the core of this technote. There is also another forum entry where this has been observed with Eclipse Client in RTC 3.0.
Can you please check if this error remains even when starting Eclipse in a clean (new) workspace? If nobody else finds a quick answer, please open a defect on

- Arne

Der M selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

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Arne Bister (2.6k12832) | answered Jun 20 '12, 11:34 a.m.

this definitely looks like a server error, e.g. database not available or some service not up. Especially if it worked before in that Eclipse client.

To troubleshoot:
- can you access your project via web client?
- when your admin logs into /jts/admin and runs diagnosis on the server administration page, what is the result? Any errors?
- take a look in the logfiles, especially jts.log and ccm.log

- Arne

Der M commented Jun 20 '12, 12:42 p.m.

Diagnostics found nothing. There is nothing obvious in the log file.

I can access the project from the web client.

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Der M (6121418) | answered Jun 21 '12, 7:43 a.m.



Creating a new workspace cleared up the problem.  I am not familiar enough yet with workspaces.


I am now able to create components / source control (needed for rational functional tester)


Thanks Arne for the help!!

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