Can't add Input Variable Queries into RTC 4.0.4 Predefined Queries list in Process Configuration Area

Is it possible to create a Shared query in RTC 4.0.4 which has Input conditions (e.g planned for and team area) and then upgrade to a 'Predefined Query in the Process Configuration?
I read an older forum that said
This support will come in 4.0.3 with Provide UI for adding queries with parameters to pre-defined queries in the Process Configuration (242263)
I'm not able to select a parmatized query to add to the predefined query list in process config. If I deselect the checkbox for the parametized query option on a query condition I then then the query as an option to add the query to the predefined query list in process config.
One answer

I was able to add parameterized queries to the shared query list without problem. on 4.0.4
same as other queries.
I created a query(some category),
it is in my personal queries on this project area.
it runs and prompts as expected
I open the process config, and select from this project area, my queries