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CRJZS5806E while reindexing design manager DB

Tomas Juknevicius (4113) | asked Mar 31 '14, 10:27 a.m.
edited Mar 31 '14, 10:29 a.m.
I am having a problem with rebuilding design manager indices.
I have probably shut down the server incorrectly and now Rhapsody does not allow me to connect to DM (giving error CRJZS5787E). I've looked it up and according it seems that my indices are corrupt.
Per that recommendation I have tried to reindex (stop the server, then use command "repotools-XXX.bat -reindex").
The jts, vvc, qm and ccm reindexed OK (in that order), but the "repotools-dm.bat -reindex" starts normally, but later on finishes with the following error:
CRJZS5652I Indexing services are being shut down ...
CRJZS5806E An unexpected problem occurred while processing a transactional model read activity
CRJZS5651I Indexing services finished shutting down in 4736 ms
How can I fix that? Googling for CRJZS5806E did not give me any useful pointers.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Tomas J.

Ralph Schoon commented Apr 02 '14, 5:34 a.m.

I would check if there are more errors in the log files (in the .log file in the .metadata folder in the workspace folder) and in the server logs (server/logs folder).
I would check if there are errors in the Database e.g. if you use an enterprise database.

Otherwise, I would contact customer support. I was unable to find anything related to this error message, so I am not sure what is going on.

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Tomas Juknevicius (4113) | answered Apr 02 '14, 6:34 a.m.
 Hello Ralph,
I managed to fix it myself. Just nuked (deleted) the index  directory completely and then the reindexing command ran without a hitch.

BTW no this was not enterprise DB - just a simple demo/trial install of DM running on top of the built in Derby DB.


Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Ralph Schoon commented Apr 02 '14, 6:44 a.m.

Glad you were able to fix it. Re-indexing is a bit confusing, because there are several indexes and only one is on the DB.

Alastair Beadle commented Aug 19 '14, 8:53 a.m.

Excellent - fixed my problem too.
In my case I was wondering initially what you meant by deleting the index directory - so for reference I stopped the server, deleted all files under:

and then reran the reindex command from the server directory, in my case:
repotools-rm -reindex all
Then restarted the server.

(obviously change rm as applicable if the problem is with another app).

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