change snapshot owner?
2 answers
${Build_Engine_Path}/jbe -userId ${Build_User} -pass ${Build_Password} -repository ${Repository_Address} -buildResultUUID ${buildResultUuid} -engineUUID ${engineUUID} -participants -noComplete
This isn't a viable solution, and we need a better way to handle this. We execute nearly 5000 builds a day, and most of those snapshots are simply that, and snapshot in time. However some builds will be release candidate builds, and we need a way for development teams to change the owner of a snapshot, from a workspace to a stream. We can devise our own logic, but an enterprise tools should be able to accommodate for these requirements.
1 vote
Hi Daniel.
Note that it is the "deliver" operation that will fail if it is trying to modify a locked file ... the snapshot rename operation is not affected by any file locks. Just for interest's sake, by the "component being locked in the stream", were you referring to the deliver pre-condition which allows you limit what roles are allowed to modify a given component in a given stream?