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is there any command in SCM CLI to downlaod code directly from stream?

Qaiser Islam (31297074) | asked Jan 30 '13, 6:28 a.m.
retagged Feb 01 '13, 1:07 p.m. by Stephanie Taylor (24115)
is there any command in SCM CLI to downlaod code directly from stream? i believe SCM load only works with repository workspace

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Henning Sternkicker (40626) | answered Jan 30 '13, 10:18 a.m.
I think you are right. There is no way of directly accessing the stream from CLI. You have to have a repository workspace, but you can download with the CLI only those parts that you are interested in, if you are afraid of downloading the complete workspace.

Tim Mok commented Jan 30 '13, 11:00 a.m.

This is correct. It's a general concept that a stream cannot be loaded and there's no way to download content. - This enhancement is probably something you could use. If you want something with the CLI, you'll have to open another enhancement.

Qaiser Islam commented Jan 31 '13, 7:19 a.m.

@Henning, its not about the partial workspace download. we are using some external scripts to create the builds..when we load the code form workspace, it gives us the latest code in workspace, not in stream. so to overcome this thing, first we have to open the rtc client and accept all the changes..and then we run the script..

John Riendeau commented Feb 01 '13, 9:05 a.m.

The CLI might not let you download directly from the stream, but it does let you accept changes into a repository workspace (

Could you put the 'scm accept' into your script, prior to the load, to avoid the manual acceptance via the Eclipse client?

Qaiser Islam commented Feb 25 '13, 3:27 a.m.

yes this is what we did

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