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Consistent color usage in dashboard pie charts

Jon Tilt (354) | asked Mar 30 '09, 9:42 a.m.
I've just created three pie charts on our project dashboard. Each pie shows work item status across three areas of our project.
The color of the pie slices seems to be random (e.g the 'new' status is represented as brown, purple then green across the charts)
Is is possible to provide some consistency across the pies on the same dashboard, so that the same status is represented as the same color?

Accepted answer

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Mike Pawlowski (6861) | answered Nov 08 '12, 1:51 p.m.

A client-side solution now exists now in 4.x releases.

See 4.0 N&N:
Jon Tilt selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Mike Pawlowski (6861) | answered Mar 30 '09, 5:11 p.m.
Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment for the "Status" grouping parameter.

The following grouping parameters have a fixed colour palette:

* Priority
* Severity
* Type

All other grouping parameters use a random colour palette (including "Status")

This is a known limitation and has been filed as a feature request here:

Unfortunately, it is doubtful as to whether this will be implemented in the RTC 2.0 release time frame.

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