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How can I replace / re-link test data associated with the test script.

Natalie Braginsky (611) | asked Mar 20 '14, 3:53 p.m.
How can I replace test data associated with the test script.
I duplicated test script, but new script needs to use different data set.
I can work around it by creating test data super-file and selecting different points for different test.
Help docs talk about  ability to "filter data records so that a subset are used when the test script is executed" here
Developing manual test scripts   but I cannot find " Test Data Usage field" or "Test Data icon". All I have "insert test data column"

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Subhajit Bhuiya (6222) | answered Mar 25 '14, 4:46 a.m.
If you replace test data associated with a test scripts, test data column from the test script will go away. You have to reinsert the test data column in the test script step.
Yes you can create a master test data which can be used across different test scripts. For details, please check the article manage test data more efficiently

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