Can we PLEASE go to forum moderation? the allowance of spam is disrepectful to all of us users.
can we please do something useful? you KNOW we will have to use a moderator when we go with automation, at least for a few months while u tweak the algorithm (against those constantly trying to get on anyhow)..
so lets do it NOW.. make this a really professional place..
again, YOU don't have to bear the total load.. turn this into a community effort.. every other forum I participate in does this.
one I've been a member of for 15 years, and not ONE single piece of spam has ever made it thru. cause its PEOPLE checking..
5 answers
thank you.. that is something at least. . well, how much reputation do u need to wield this new power?
I can see some mischief
Thanks a lot, that should help.
The flag 3 times feature doesn't seem to work.
This post was flagged 3 times but it's still visible in the list of questions:
That's unfortunate. The forum software is configured to hide that after it has been flagged 3 times.
> I believe a short time of active moderation will make the problem go away
Are any of these things feasible?
- Provide a content filter which removes all hyperlinks except to a small whitelist. We can probably live with a small list to things like,, stackoverflow, jsfiddle, etc.
- Require a certain threshold of points in order to create hyperlinks?
Automatically flag all posts with hyperlinks as spam so moderators have to review them? (I guess this would basically be a subset of "active moderation"...)
We're working on a variety of angles and I think any of those suggestions could be implemented. I suspect the whitelist would be longer and would require ongoing maintenance. #2 is interesting because I expect most questions could be asked successfully without any links -- especially questions from newer users.
nice to see some options.. what is the timeframe for Plan A and B? days, weeks, months?
we've been talking about this for months now.
slam the door.. the whitelist Jared suggested is a great start.
politely refuse positing but link to an open topic where one could get info on suggesting further urls. (without posting them to the forum of course)
I don't apologize for pushing on this. But this site this is an incredibly powerful tool.
I apologize to Ralph et al.. I have a day job too.. supporting millions of dollars of company value, talent and expense trying to leverage IBM (Rational) products..
One concern about links in questions is that several valid error messages or log extracts contains URLs in the format https://clmserver:9443/... that will be prevented to appear,
1 vote
We need more attention on this issue again. The forum has been overrun lately
1 vote
Doing what I can. Please don't delete the titles. Just add spam in front if you absolutely need to. Leave the content as it is,so we can get it into our recognition algorithm.
- Tag it spam
- Report it
- Submit spam to akismet
- A moderator will ban and delete
the titles are garbage. cut/paste from other good posts.. or just random words.
Francesco Chiossi
Mar 05 '14, 7:54 a.m.I agree with Sam that some action is needed.
Would it be possible to get a tag based system?
When a question is tagged as spam it gets hidden from the questions view, while waiting for a moderator to delete it and ban the user.
Abuse of the system can be prevented by making the reputation requirement for retagging a question high enough, and reset the reputation of repeated offenders.
sam detweiler
Mar 05 '14, 8:10 a.m.I want to be more aggressive.. 1st 10 (random number 1-20) posts are moderated.
the current '5 reports a day' counter doesn't work . usually I get 2, then it tells me my 5 is used up.
Francesco Chiossi
Mar 05 '14, 8:16 a.m.I indeed get the same issue with the number reports... not sure if it's calculated in a 24h (or longer) window rather that a day, but rarely I can use 5; and even that would not be enough.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Mar 05 '14, 9:07 a.m.I have another Job, this is more a chore than an honor. The other admins are doing their best as well, under the same conditions.
I scan the forum around once an hour or more often - if in the office and also scan for the unanswered questions and ban the obvious candidates. I also often go back a few days on these. Since I do that on a regular basis in my timezone I amrelatively sure I catch most of them, if I have the time. Retag suspicious candidates as spam to help us, if we miss anything.
sam detweiler
Mar 05 '14, 9:16 a.m.I can only report.. I cannot retag (as far as I know) others posts.