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Profile not complete

Kevin Day (112) | asked Apr 26 '16, 9:26 a.m.

When attempting to create a project I get a message that I must complete my profile before I can start a cloud trial.  I have already completed my profile but the "State or Province" field can only be changed if the country is selected to US.

I live in Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom and as such cannot select "State or Province".  Therefore, can you advise what is prevented me from completing my profile and hence preventing me from creating a project.

Many thanks.

Kevin Day

Leyland Trucks

One answer

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Martin Madzio (9617) | answered Apr 26 '16, 9:50 a.m.
edited Apr 26 '16, 9:54 a.m.
Hi Kevin,

When choosing United Kingdom: "- None -" is considered a valid State so you should not have to choose one on your profile page. Are you prevented from submitting changes to your profile because of this?

I was able to create a project with UK selected as my country, keeping the "State or Province" field as it is (i.e. "- None -") and then submitting my changes.


Edit: I think I may have found the cause of confusion here: although "- None -" is considered valid, it does not get a green checkmark like the other fields do to indicate that it is correct. It should not prevent you from submitting your changes. We will be fixing this to avoid this in the future!

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