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Whether it's a supported env to have Rhapsody 8.0.5 as client, Rhaposdy DM 4.0.4 as server?

Jin Zhou (591619) | asked Feb 27 '14, 3:37 a.m.

I checked Rhapsody 8.0.5 requirement, it mentioned Rhapsody DM 4.0 to 4.0.5 are all supported to work with Rhapsody 8.0.5.

But when I tried to move a sample model from 8.0.5 client (cpp\headset) to DM 4.0.4 or DM4.0.3 side, I got "unable to load" error when trying to explore model diagram from web browser.  in dm.log, it mentioned something like error 406, invalid tile image request. No diagram could be loaded on browser

Can anyone help to confirm whether the env configuration is ok?
Anyone else had ever met the same problem?


Jin Zhou commented Feb 27 '14, 4:19 a.m.

I actually got the same error in dm.log as  this previous defect . would it because of browser type and version?

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Jin Zhou (591619) | answered Mar 22 '14, 7:50 p.m.
 Did anyone meet with the same issue before?
Whether the system requirement has any incorrect information?

When the server version is the same as the client version, like using Rhapsody DM v 4.0.4 with Rhapsody 8.0.4, the diagram is loaded on web client with no display issue, otherwise we got "failed to load" error from the page.

Official product system requirement is not 100% reliable.

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