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CRJZS0213E The request could not... when saving import definition

Kim Soederhamn (1.5k34348) | asked Dec 10 '13, 3:27 a.m.
Hi All,

just wanted to share:

If you get a
CRJZS0213E The Request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource
when trying to import an eclipse workspace (saving the import definition) the rootcause could be that:

Something is wrong with the DM workspace (check out your DM project area and find the workspaces - try to create a new one and then save your definition again)

Why did this happen? possibly problems in the links between the applications can cause errors to happen with the creation of DM workspaces in lifecycle projects.

One answer

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Kim Soederhamn (1.5k34348) | answered Dec 11 '13, 8:43 a.m.
Just for the sake of the process this question has been answered :-)

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