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How can I link a Work Item in RTC to a Module or Collection in RRC?

Ian Cuttriss (155) | asked Feb 12 '14, 10:37 a.m.
I have RTC and RRC projects configured as a lifecycle projects and am able to link Work Items in RTC to requirement artefacts in RRC. However, when attempting to link to a Work Item to either a module or a collection it is not possible to select the artefact. We are using version 4.03. Any suggestion / advice would be most appreciated.

Ian Cuttriss commented Feb 17 '14, 8:35 a.m.

After further investigation we have identified a work around which the team are going to adopt. While it is not possible to link as previously described it is possible to link a Work Item to a Collection / Module. First capture the URL for the Collection / Module. Then edit the description of the Work Item and add an "External Link". In the "URL" attribute enter the link to the collection / module. In the "Title" attribute enter an appropriate description. The result is a link which provides all the usual RTC features (hover over displays details of the link.

4 answers

permanent link
Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Feb 12 '14, 11:14 a.m.
 I don't think it's possible... I think you can only link from RTC plans to Modules/Collections.  

permanent link
Erica Tran (1.4k7) | answered Feb 12 '14, 11:33 a.m.
Hi Ian,

Link Kirk said, it doesn't look possible to link a RTC Work item to a Module. When trying to create a link from RTC, the modules are greyed out and cannot be selected.  I did notice it will allow links to rows within a module, but not the module itself. 

Link to Row In a Module

permanent link
Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Feb 12 '14, 12:56 p.m.
Grouping items link to grouping items: Collections (and Modules or Module views) link to Test plan and dev plan.
Single items link to single items (requirement to implementation task, requirement to test case, test case to defect, etc.)

permanent link
Leonardo Benevides (266628) | answered May 14 '18, 12:05 p.m.

So, you can use a workaround to get it.

In the links menu, select the link type: Add Related Artifacts and then inform the URI to the collection or module you need to link to.

It works and it is a simple solution.

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