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Product Version Trees and Defect Propagation

Business need: When we determine in which version of our product that a defect was injected into the source code, we proactively identify each product version where the defect potentially exists. This way we know the defect exposure for each version of our product.
To do this we need to have some type of product version tree in RTC.
We need this at the product level to tell us the genealogy for any product version.
We also need this to determine all product versions that are impacted by a bug....
1) Developer determined that a bug is introduced in product version 2.0
2) Need to determine all product versions that are built on 2.1
3) propagate the defect to all impacted product versions
In our current environment...
1) we have a product tree in a proprietary system
2) Developer documents the version introduced in ClearQUEST
3) We have a script that walks the version tree from the defect injection point and clones defects to each impacted version.
One answer

Once you find the lines of code that caused the problem, you can use the "annotate" command to determine the change sets that contained those changes, and then "locate change sets" can be used to find the streams and snapshots that currently contain those change sets. You can use the RTC scm command line to automate those steps.