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Are xml files the only way to import test cases/scripts into RQM without a utility?

jeanie Keen (132123) | asked Jan 31 '14, 2:48 p.m.

We are trying to use the utility and we are 2010 word and excel.  There is an interopt for the utility we found but it is using 2007 since we are on 2010 it did not work.

I wanted to validate i did not miss anything but from everything i have seen on importing into RQM we have to use a utility to import excel and word test cases/scripts.

Also wanted to find out if there is a utility that matches up with word 2010?



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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Jan 31 '14, 2:56 p.m.
edited Jan 31 '14, 3:01 p.m.
The RQM Excel/Word utility does support Office 2010, but there are some prerequisites; they are listed in the link below

Be sure you download the utility that matches up with the version the QM you are using 
To download the utility from
Downloads -> Rational Quality Manager Download 4.0.x Release ->"All Downloads tab"
-> Under Extras -> Rational Quality Manager Copy Utility

You can also import both Test Cases and Test Scripts from an xml file directly from the QM UI. This is done from the Construction menu (Construction -> Import -> Test Cases or Test Scripts)


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