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Is there a best practice to get a list of existing tags and the number of occurances?

Ginny Ghezzo (33311117) | asked Jan 17 '14, 11:28 a.m.
Is there a best practice or favorite approach to get a list of all existing tags and some indication of how common they are for an RTC Project or Work Item Type?   

Each time I want to introduce a 'new' tag, I hesitate because I expect my predecessors and peers have already started to tag these types of items.    I want to be able to get a list of all the tags in an RTC project, and maybe some meta data like frequency based on type of work item.  

thank you,

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Jan 17 '14, 11:59 a.m.
Hi Ginny,
I have 2 ideas:
1. (Maybye not filling your all requests but it might be enough for you): there is standard dashboard called tag cloud. You can use that.
2. There is work item statistics dashboard. You can define the query displaying all work items you want to be counted and select tag field as a parameter. This is how it works on already. I am not sure if you have an access but you can look at e.g. L3 Investigating : Open RTC Escalations dashboard.

Just ket us know if it is what you already want to have.
Ginny Ghezzo selected this answer as the correct answer

Ginny Ghezzo commented Jan 17 '14, 12:37 p.m.

Thanks Krzysztof!   The Tag Cloud Widget is what I am looking for.   (idea #1)

I will have to investigate more on idea #2 to see if it gets me more details if idea #1 is not enough.


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