Requirement created with no folder
I have a client who's experiencing the following:
Sometimes when requirements are created no folder is set and the requirement can't be found nowhere in the folder structure.
If we filter by the requirement name it's there and it loads fine. The major issue is that no folder is set, causing the requirement to "disappear" from the tree structure.
So far it has only been noticed for a specific requirement type and a specific folder, but it doesn't always happen for this combination of the two.
I couldn't find any entry in this forum reporting a similar situation and I myself never experienced this.
Does anyone have any idea as to what might be causing this and how to prevent it?
2 answers
Hi Taly,
Here are a few things I'd like for you to check:
1) Which release of RRC is being used? Certain releases contain different folder-based features, so this information is important when diagnosing folder issues.
2) If the "missing" requirement is accessible, what does the folder "breadcrumb" trail show? The breadcrumb is textual representation of the path to the root folder, located in the top-left corner of the editor, and it should show something like "Root Folder > Next Folder Down > Current folder"
3) Are all of the folders mentioned in the breadcrumb accessible through the folder view?
4) Do you notice any errors in the UI, or in the logs, when creating new artifacts?
If this continues to be a problem, and the behavior is reproducible, I would suggest opening a PMR with IBM Support to diagnose this further. Specifically, if the RRC version being used is greater than 4.0, there is a diagnostic tool available through Support called "FolderIntegrityCheck" which is able to detect and correct some common folder-based issues. This tool is also able to recover these "missing" requirements and move them to a temporary "Lost and Found" folder for you to relocate at your convenience.
Hope this helps!
Mike Jaworski
Here's the link to contact IBM Support:
Hi Michael.
Thanks for the response. Here are the answers to the items you brought up.
1. It's RM 4.0.2
2. The breadcrumb only shows the top level of the folder structure (the one that corresponds to the PA name). And no, navigating there through the folder structure does not show the "missing" artifact
3. Yes
4. No
I'll continue observing and open a PMR if needed. Thanks!
One more thing: It's possible that there may be a problem with your folder cache. I'm not sure when the last time your server has been restarted, but if you try shutting down and restarting the server then that would cause the cache to get cleared, and could possibly help. If not, then a PMR may be your best route. Good luck!