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Re-Importing Test artifacts over writes the already imported Test artifacts (having same name) in RQM

Rajesh Avanthi (10815145173) | asked Jan 13 '14, 10:38 p.m.
Hi All

Here's a sample scenario for which I would like to know if there is any sort of work-around to over this behavior in RQM.

In the first round of testing, We had uploaded the Test cases and Test scripts (Using Excel Importer)
In the second round of testing, we want to add the couple of same Test cases and Test scripts into the same project, keeping the same name of the Test case and Test script as used during Round 1.

During re-uploading the test cases/test script , RQM is overwriting the Round 1 Test cases/Test scripts.
Is there a way where in we can re-upload the Test cases/Test scripts again without overwriting already existing Test cases/Test scripts.  If yes, then how to proceed further.

FYI : I read this article ( ) which states that "Repeated upload of same Excel sheets to the same project in RQM may overwrite the existing test artifacts by the same name"

Thanks in advance

One answer

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Jan 14 '14, 7:08 a.m.
You can use the XLSArtifactID keyword to specify a different external ID for the new test artifacts (see

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