Can you please give some more details?
- What are you trying to paste? Files? Text?
- Where does it not work?
- Is the problem restricted to RTC Client plugin or entire Eclipse?
- How exactly does it not work? There are no copy/paste commands in the context menu? Is there an error message? Nothing happens?
Also, please share the eclipse log from <workspace>/.metadata/.log and a timestamp of when the issue was last reproduced.
Please find more details in the same order of questions respectively.
- I'm trying to copy paste text in java editor.
- It's not working in java editor.i.e. if i try copy paste some lines of code to same .java file or a different file, it'll get hang for 1-2 seconds and nothing happens.
- Its problem with entire eclipse.
- I'm able to see copy paste commands in context menu, but when i trigger those events nothing happens.
According to this (, if you "Unbind these keys from Preferences -> General -> Keys seem to solve the problem."
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Paste the content from Word into the text box below. Once you are satisfied with the content to insert, press the paste button. To abort inserting text, press the cancel button.
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Enter an image URL or browse to a local file. (2.5Mb max size; .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png file types supported).
Piotr Aniola
Jan 13 '14, 4:55 a.m.Can you please give some more details?
- What are you trying to paste? Files? Text?
- Where does it not work?
- Is the problem restricted to RTC Client plugin or entire Eclipse?
- How exactly does it not work? There are no copy/paste commands in the context menu? Is there an error message? Nothing happens?
Also, please share the eclipse log from <workspace>/.metadata/.log and a timestamp of when the issue was last reproduced.
Pooja Karda
Jan 14 '14, 5:07 a.m.Hi,