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How to prefill fields on the delegated UI from RRC when creating the artifact out of ClearQuest?

Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | asked Dec 18 '13, 8:13 a.m.
edited Dec 27 '13, 11:13 p.m. by Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035)
In ClearQuest I can define oslc fields, which are prefilled in the delegated UI on creation of an OSLC artifact.
I configured this on CQ side so it can prefill values when creating a workitem on RTC and as well when creating an artifact on RRC.
It works well with RTC, but it is not with RRC.

Is this a bug, a missing implementation on RRC or do I have something wrong configured?
As much as I understand this is an OSLC V.2.0 feature and not a tool feature.

My configuration looks like:
<oslcRecordConfig type="cq.record:Request@CQ_Prod/BQ">
  <oslcFieldMapping field="JAZZTitle" name="dcterms:title"/>
  <oslcFieldMapping field="description" name="dcterms:description"/>

<oslcProjectPrefillConfig supportsPrefillMarkup="true" projectName="Process and Infrastructure (rm)">
<oslcRecordPrefill type="cq.record:Request@CQ_Prod/BQ">
<oslcPrefillProperty name="dcterms:title" prefix=" "/>
<oslcPrefillProperty name="dcterms:description" prefix="ClearQuest Description:"/>

One answer

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Marc Baumbach (1311) | answered Dec 18 '13, 10:10 a.m.
Hi Guido,

The prefilling of creation dialogs is an optional part of the OSLCv2 specification. Currently, RRC does not support this feature via the typical OSLC fashion of a POST with content body. RRC's creation pickers do support adding the following request parameters to the URL:


Adding these parameters with content will prefill the dialog's respective fields. Please note, however, that this is undocumented API and could be removed at any time.

Guido Schneider commented Dec 19 '13, 3:49 p.m.

Thanks Marc,

do you know is the support for this already in the backlog of RRC or should I write an RFE?

Marc Baumbach commented Dec 24 '13, 12:12 p.m.

I don't believe there's currently an RFE open for this at the moment. Feel free to open one and subscribe me to it.

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