RQM Installation on windows 8
Accepted answer
3 other answers
Hi Shai,
Ralph replied to something similar in forum post: https://jazz.net/forum/questions/118543/installing-rtc-in-windows-8
I found https://jazz.net/jazz/web/projects/Jazz%20Foundation#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.viewWorkItem&id=168119 which you can track the progress of Windows 8.
As Sumant says, unsupported essentially means untested, so we wouldn't know what could happen. You would need to reproduce any issue on Windows 7 (or any other supported platform) before raising a defect.
Also, as Ralph points out, it will probably work quite well but maybe with the odd exception.
Hi Shai,
Which version are you using? Are you also trying to install the server? I often, purely for test purposes, install on unsupported systems and just ignore that message...but I haven't tried to install 4.0.5 yet, so maybe they've blocked this?