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Upgrade 5.0.2 to 6.0.1

Gustavo Monti Rocha (251316) | asked Dec 18 '15, 6:45 a.m.
On 5.0.2 I had a user that was JazzAdmin. When I setup it the default ADMIN user was disabled. So, every operation was done with JazzAdmin user. 

 After upgrade from 5.0.2 to 6.0.1, I need to run setup in order to configure new applications (ex: Global Configuration Management). But I tried to login with JazzAdmin user and application return user or password invalid. I tried with ADMIN user, but it was disabled.

I saw an article that is possible to activate ADMIN user, but it only works with tomcat. I saw that 6.0.1 is not using tomcat as default application server.

What can I do with it?

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Brett Bohnn (94111157) | answered Dec 20 '15, 6:31 p.m.

I have not tried to re-enable the ADMIN user yet but it looks like equivalent of Tomcat's tomcat-users.xml is   basicUserRegistry.xml  in \server\liberty\servers\clm\conf of your installation directory.

You should see something like this:
 <group name="JazzAdmins">
        <member name="clmuser"/>

where clmuser is the JazzAdmin account I created during JTS setup.

So I will try adding <member name="ADMIN"/> to the JazzAdmins group (after making a back-up of basicUserRegistry.xml)


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