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Undo ignore

Sean Burke (3789144247) | asked Dec 11 '13, 7:52 p.m.
 I accidentally applied "ignore" to file during a check in process. How do I bring it back to life?

4 answers

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Matt Lennon (61225) | answered Dec 11 '13, 8:25 p.m.
Hi Sean.

There should be a new or modified ".jazzignore" file in that change set. If the change set isn't already closed, you can just select that file and undo it.

Hope that helps.


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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jan 11 '16, 6:15 p.m.
If we are talking about a single file, the easiest way to do this is as follows.
1. Locate the file in Project Explorer view (other views should work as well).
2. Right-click on the file and choose Team > Remove from Ignored List.

You may need to deal with the .jazzignore file depending on the actual environment.

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Susan Hanson (1.6k2201194) | answered Dec 11 '13, 8:29 p.m.
Perhaps check in your Ignored resources (Window->Preferences->Team->Ignored Resources) and see if you can see that file listed and if so, remove it.


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Rashmi B (19727) | answered Jan 11 '16, 3:26 p.m.
 Hi Susan,

I am having same issue of accidently ignoring the file, I am not able to find the file Window->Preferences->Team->Ignored Resources.
Is there another way to revert back these changes?
In the file properties I see local ignore rule applied.


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