scm compare command to find the newly added component between two snapshots
2 answers
scm compare snapshot <snapshot1> snapshot <snapshot2>
If there were new components in snapshot2 then the above command should show these components as incoming. You can also use the filter to show either incoming or outgoing. For ex: "-f i"
I am using the command as:
./scm compare -I c -f b ss <base ss> ss <current ss> -r rtcuser
But this gives the newly component as
"<comp_name>" (removed)
Why is it showing as (removed) for the new added component?
Is it a error in RTC 4.0.1?
What it means is that the component does not exist in the "base ss" as compared to the "current ss". If you reverse the order that is give "current ss" as the first argument then it will show as added. It shows the information with respect to the first argument.