Heads-up: iFixes IFPM98576 and IFPM98578 for WebSphere break RRC
Just to give everyone a heads-up, WebSphere released iFix IFPM98576 last week to address APAR PM98576. This iFix upgrades the version of the JDK used by WebSphere version 8 to SR7. Unfortunately RRC is incompatible with this version of the JDK and it will stop working.
Once the iFix has been applied, access to RRC will fail with 500 Server Error messages and the details (and the logs) will show an error such as this:
This issue affects all versions of WebSphere Application Server V8 when iFix IFPM98576 is installed. WebSphere Application Server V7 may be affected too because a similar iFix was released for that version as well, but this is currently not known.
It appears this issue will be resolved in version 4.0.6 of RRC. In the meantime you are advised not to install WebSphere iFix IFPM98576 in the first place or to uninstall it if you have already installed it.
Update (Nov 29, 11:30 CET): iFix IFPM98578 for WebSphere Application Server V7 also causes this problem.
Update (Nov 29, 15:10 CET): There is now a Flash Alert to alert clients of the situation.
IBM Rational Global Response Team
Just to give everyone a heads-up, WebSphere released iFix IFPM98576 last week to address APAR PM98576. This iFix upgrades the version of the JDK used by WebSphere version 8 to SR7. Unfortunately RRC is incompatible with this version of the JDK and it will stop working.
Once the iFix has been applied, access to RRC will fail with 500 Server Error messages and the details (and the logs) will show an error such as this:
com.ibm.rdm.fronting.server.services.storedqueries.internal.model.StoredQueryQueryModel incompatible with java.lang.Comparable
This issue affects all versions of WebSphere Application Server V8 when iFix IFPM98576 is installed. WebSphere Application Server V7 may be affected too because a similar iFix was released for that version as well, but this is currently not known.
It appears this issue will be resolved in version 4.0.6 of RRC. In the meantime you are advised not to install WebSphere iFix IFPM98576 in the first place or to uninstall it if you have already installed it.
Update (Nov 29, 11:30 CET): iFix IFPM98578 for WebSphere Application Server V7 also causes this problem.
Update (Nov 29, 15:10 CET): There is now a Flash Alert to alert clients of the situation.
Update (Dec 4, 11:20 CET): Clients who are using RRC version 4 and who wish to install one of the iFixes above can now contact IBM Rational Client Support to receive a Hotfix for the specific version of RRC they are using. The published Flash will be updated shortly to reflect this information.
IBM Rational Global Response Team
2 answers
Thanks for the info, I'm sure it was communicated as soon as it came to light, so much appreciated.
It highlights one of the weaknesses of the CLM tools, too many moving parts, too complex, too many things to go wrong.
If IBM can't even do regression when something changes, what hope has the customer got?
In the 2 organisations I've been in using CLM, both used WAS, and I'm constantly amazed when calling support (or even the devs for that matter), they have a Tomcat focus, in many cases, support did not even have an environment that matches our own, and we were using standard technologies!
I'd like to see IBM, the Jazz Team and support improve much more in the area, because from my point of view, it appears you've created a product that can't be supported as well as it could be.
Thanks Christian for your immediate announcement. See: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21657605 for the official statement from IBM.
Especially for Tomcat users on 4.0.5: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21655852
Also see the security vulnerabilities post: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21656459
Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk
Nov 28 '13, 4:02 p.m.Hi Christiam,
Tehcnote could be useful here