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Problems configuring RTC for LDAP on WAS

Kim Soederhamn (1.5k24348) | asked Dec 07 '12, 4:06 a.m.
It seems a lot of people can not find this article that explains how to find the values needed to configure Rational Team Concert (RTC) or other jazz based products for LDAP on Websphere Application Server (WAS).

Though slightly changed since version 2 this article is still applicable for RTC, RRC and RQM 4.0.1 on WAS 8:

It will help you find values such as the group mappings, Base distinguished name (base DN) and so on, while also giving solutions if you have users that you can not find in your ldap search  or ldap syncronization because they are located in multiple sub domains.

Rosa Naranjo commented Dec 07 '12, 11:12 a.m.

This article also covers setting up LDAP on WAS with Active Directory for CLM 3.0.1

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Jerry Shengulette (63914) | answered Dec 07 '12, 3:22 p.m.
Thanks for the great information, Kim (and Rosa).

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