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LDAP User change in Websphere App Server

Matthew Bradshaw (51315) | asked Jun 06 '14, 6:03 a.m.
 Hi all,

We need to change the user account that is used to connect to LDAP from CLM.

I know we need to make the change in the LDAP settings under security in WebSphere, but does a change also need to be made in the advanced properties under jts/admin or is this pulled through from WebSphere? Or anywhere else for that matter?

Can the change to the user be made while the server is up and runnning or does it need to be shut down/restarted for the changes to take effect?


Sumant Renukarya commented Jun 06 '14, 6:33 a.m.

Hi Matt

--> Can you elaborate what you mean by changing the user account? Modify the existing user ID from A to B or something similar? 

--> Have you looked into this technote on modifying the a user ID in LDAP? 

2 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 06 '14, 8:17 a.m.
After changing the LDAP access account in WAS, you need to restart WAS for it to take effect. When users then try to log on to CLM applications hosted on that WAS, the new settings will be used.
You will also need to change the LDAP access account in jts/admin > Advanced Properties, which is used for synchronizing the users between LDAP and JTS. Without doing so, users can be authenticated but not synchronized. I don't think you need to restart JTS for the new setting to take effect.
If you make the changes in JTS, then WAS, and finally restart WAS, all will be good.

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Torsten Tuchscheerer (2317) | answered Jun 10 '14, 3:39 a.m.
I'm using WAS 8.5 ND and a restart is not necessary.

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