What is the easiest way to present RRC attributes in a single row using Cognos Report Studio?
I am working with RRC and Insight 1.1.1 and I am using Cognos Report Studio 10 to create a custom report. I have a requirement with a number of attributes associated to it. In this example I have 2 strings and 6 enumerations. Using a query I can extract the information that I need (nformation has been filtered for requirement 42):
What I would like to do is have all of this information on a single line where each set of columns is an attribute name and the corresponding value. In BIRT reporting I used javascript to accomplish this with computed columns. How is this possible with Insight and Cognos Report Studio?
A nudge in the right direction would really help me out!
Best regards,
Accepted answer
Hi Andrew
I have run into the same thing throughout Insight data model. The only way I know of is to join the things together - we created a view in Framework manager so we basically ended up with another data structure to get what we wanted - this is not ideal as it is fragile across upgrades, etc. I wish the model supported multivalued fields out of the box.
Hello David,
Thank you for your reply. This seems like a better option than using a string of joined queries. Is Framework Manager included with Insight? I only have Business Insight, Query Studio, Report Studio, and Even Studio to work with. Can I save a view using one of those or do I need new software?
Hi Andrew
Framework manager is part of Insight - it is in the DevTools package that you will need to install and modify the existing CLM FM model to do it.
Thanks David,
I'll take a look into that.
Best regards,
One other answer
Hi Andrew,
Looks to me that the source table that you are using is not the appropriate one as it looks to give all the values and not the actual one for the requirement id itself. Try to use the alternate ones and you can also use multiple queries and joins to land at the appropriate result?
Thank you for the reply. The information that I added above was from one query extracting all attributes that I want for a requirement. I want all of that information, but in a single line. The brute force method is to add a string of joined queries which is a bit tedious, so I was wondering if there was any other way of processing the data. For example, can I use scripting and write information into data structures like BIRT reporting? I suppose the other option is to develop an ETL job that creates a view containing all the data. Before going down that path, I was wondering what other options were available to me.