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Is there an option to deselect a tag on RRC artifacts in bulk ?

long TRUONG (3654121147) | asked Nov 15 '13, 9:54 a.m.
 We can select a tag in bulk for multiple RRC artifacts:
  • Can we deselect an existing tag in bulk on RRC artifacts ?
  • Or can we select a tag with the option to replace an already tagged one? in bulk on multiple ?

Accepted answer

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Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Nov 15 '13, 11:57 a.m.
You can apply tags to multiple artifacts that way, but you cannot remove tags from multiple artifacts.
There is an enhancement open for this: 50881: can't remove tags from multiple requirements at once
long TRUONG selected this answer as the correct answer

long TRUONG commented Nov 15 '13, 12:02 p.m.

Thanks all. This was what I was going to say: done try that in vain. The pop up window does not have selected  tags displayed to take off.

Dave Evans commented Nov 15 '13, 1:17 p.m.

If it is truly a large opertaion, you could still do the following:

For replacing a tag:

1) Filter all artifacts by the tag you would like to remove

2) Add a new tag in bulk

3) Delete the old tag

For deselecting an existing tag you could follow a similar concept, but it gets complicated enough that I would say you would not want to attempt it unless you are modifying tags for more than 200 artifacts.

One other answer

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Dave Evans (14812846) | answered Nov 15 '13, 11:40 a.m.
I have 4.0.1 and you can do it in there. Go the Artifacts view, and select the check box for all artifacts you would like to bulk-edit the tags for. Select the pencil, then select "Apply Tags to X Artifacts", then manage the tags in the window which pops up.

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