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Failed to create sketch in screen flow artifact in RM

Wing Lo (111) | asked Nov 14 '12, 4:06 p.m.

I have a problem to add a generic element and sketch in the screen flow artifact in RM. First, I added the generic element to the edit area, then I clicked on the "sketch" icon inside the element but nothing happened. I can't either associate it with existing sketch or create a new one. The button seem not working at all

Then, I tried to add the element with existing sketch. I selected the previously created sketch but it popped up an error message saying "updating Thumbnail has encountered prolbem".

Anyone experience this problem? 


One answer

permanent link
Fabian Lomeli (2213) | answered Nov 16 '12, 4:23 p.m.
Have you tried to reinstall the browser add-on? Maybe something happened with your plug-in.

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