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exports from RRC - query and traceability

Ben Chance (1644) | asked Dec 04 '12, 6:10 p.m.
How can query results be exported to CSV?

How can you export traceability

the reqif function looks like it would be between requirements mgmt applications like ReqPro, DOORS, HP, etc, but not necessarily structured for csv.excel report

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Dec 04 '12, 7:17 p.m.
This topic might help for an overview of the various data exchange methods

Now for csv there is an export topic

specifically see this section:

To export artifacts from either the Artifacts page or from within a collection or from within a module, select the artifacts you want to export and then click Export from the artifact menu .

You can also perform an export from a view, which enables you to capture the column settings and artifacts that are defined in the view. To perform an export from a view:
  1. Create a filter that displays the artifacts you want to export.
  2. Optionally change the columns that you want to include in the export. Note that by default, certain columns are always included in an export. See additional information below for details.
  3. Save the display settings as a view by clicking on the Save View icon .
  4. Click the menu icon menu icon next to the view you created, and then click Export.

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