New Permission Action
3 answers
What types of new actions do you have in mind? I do not believe it is possible to make new permission actions, however you can use Operation Behavior to get more fine-grained "permissions". For example, if you would like to permit a role to edit an attribute only in certain states, you would add and configure the "Read Only Attributes for Type and State" precondition. Furthermore, if the provided preconditions don't meet your needs, you can either pay someone to create a new precondition (recommended) or create yourself (which I am learning how to do right now, weee!).
In the Eclipse client, you can open your project area. On the Process Configuration tab, you can click on the Roles section to create new roles. On the Process Configuration tab, you can also select Project Configuration > Permissions to select which actions are permitted for each role.
If you're asking how you can add an action to the permitted actions list, I'm not sure it's possible.
In the Eclipse client, you can open your project area. On the Process Configuration tab, you can click on the Roles section to create new roles. On the Process Configuration tab, you can also select Project Configuration > Permissions to select which actions are permitted for each role.
If you're asking how you can add an action to the permitted actions list, I'm not sure it's possible.
As of CLM 4.0.3, I highly encourage folks to use the web ui to configure permissions instead of Eclipse. It's really much simpler. There's no distinction between "project configuration" and "team configuration", it has very clear red/green indicators, and it supports searching among other improvements.
Here's some links to the Information Center on how to work with roles and permissions.
Adding and modifying roles and permissions
Lesson 5: Create a role
I hope this helps.
Here's some links to the Information Center on how to work with roles and permissions.
Adding and modifying roles and permissions
Lesson 5: Create a role
I hope this helps.