RRC - steps for import existing requirements doc
I am looking for help on how to ( in the Jazz Sandbox area for now) import an existing .docx file into RRC such that if I edit the file's requirements I also change the requirements in the tool.
To date, I was able to create requirements from the uploaded doc. Here are my steps:
1) (menu) Artifacts>Import>"Import a text document and convert to a rich text artifact"
File: foo.docx
Artifact name: foo
Artifact Type: Requirement (Default Requirement Type)
Folder: Proj
(selected) Import for editing and viewing
Once done i see the foo.docx requirement artifact and a foo.docx folder (images) in the left pane under Proj folder
I then select the docx artifact I just created
2) (pencil) Extract Requirements from Artifact
Specify a location for the new requirements : default
Do you also want to create a module for the new requirements?
(selected) Yes, import the requirements and create a module
(checked) Create a separate module for each source
Name for new module (checked) "Use source name"
Artifact Type: Requirement (Default Requirement Type)
Do you also want to create a link to each of the new requirements?
(selected) Yes, import the requirements and create the links
Link Type: Link To
Headings: None
Images: None
Keywords: shall
Sentence, Requirement (Default Requirement Type)
No text delimiter
All other Text - None
This pulled out 161 reqs and created them. However, if I edit the docx artifact, it does not change the requirement, or visa versa.
To date, I was able to create requirements from the uploaded doc. Here are my steps:
1) (menu) Artifacts>Import>"Import a text document and convert to a rich text artifact"
File: foo.docx
Artifact name: foo
Artifact Type: Requirement (Default Requirement Type)
Folder: Proj
(selected) Import for editing and viewing
Once done i see the foo.docx requirement artifact and a foo.docx folder (images) in the left pane under Proj folder
I then select the docx artifact I just created
2) (pencil) Extract Requirements from Artifact
Specify a location for the new requirements : default
Do you also want to create a module for the new requirements?
(selected) Yes, import the requirements and create a module
(checked) Create a separate module for each source
Name for new module (checked) "Use source name"
Artifact Type: Requirement (Default Requirement Type)
Do you also want to create a link to each of the new requirements?
(selected) Yes, import the requirements and create the links
Link Type: Link To
Headings: None
Images: None
Keywords: shall
Sentence, Requirement (Default Requirement Type)
No text delimiter
All other Text - None
This pulled out 161 reqs and created them. However, if I edit the docx artifact, it does not change the requirement, or visa versa.
Accepted answer
Since you chose to create a module during your import, you should find the module that was created and use that. That's probably the best option for getting what you are expecting. You can edit the individual requirements from the module or open the requirements separately to edit them.
If you really intended to use the docx artifact as the container for all the requirements, and you wanted them to change in both places, you would have to manually extract each requirement from the docx artifact (choose Save Selection as New Artifact and Insert). That would embed the individual req within the docx artifact (although you can only edit it from the individual artifact). The import wizard does not include that option to extract and embed, only to extract and link. But I think the module is closer to what you are asking for.
If you really intended to use the docx artifact as the container for all the requirements, and you wanted them to change in both places, you would have to manually extract each requirement from the docx artifact (choose Save Selection as New Artifact and Insert). That would embed the individual req within the docx artifact (although you can only edit it from the individual artifact). The import wizard does not include that option to extract and embed, only to extract and link. But I think the module is closer to what you are asking for.